

When it comes to international growth, the biggest challenge for most brands is to stay true to who you are. I always conduct thorough research and interview to characterize your company and understand your brand, and use it as a guide when writing to keep the Chinese message authentic and undiluted. After all, to find the perfect match, in any market, is to discover those who see the world the same way you do.


with a purpose​

Storytelling is what sets me apart from our competition. A good story inspires curiosity, connection and engagement. As an experienced journalist, I know how to find a good story and how to tell one. I write stories that commands attention, amplifies interest and turns strategy into business result. And, I mimic your tone and style, too.



Translation is not simple substitution of words in one language for words in another. It is essential to precisely convey the original ideas and emotions across language barriers, while remaining culturally sensitive and appropriate to the intended audience. That’s why I never translate. I trans-create to bring brand stories to life across cultures and languages so you can build a strong connection with your audience in the Mandarin-speaking market.